Ivy Smoak Book Club
Made of Steel
Who do you think V is?
If you were Summer and you found out that your RA was Miles…how would you react?
Do you think Summer can trust Liza or Kins?
Do you think that Eli is working for Don?
Are you #TeamMiles, #TeamEli, #TeamV, or #TeamDon. Wait, what? What kind of monster would be #TeamDon?
What do you think happened to Mr. Crawford?
Liza believes that Summer is V’s weakness. Do you think she’s Don’s weakness too?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how steamy was that scene with V?
Plot twist!! Did you suspect that Joan was working with Don?
When this becomes a movie, who would you cast as Summer?
Who would you cast as Miles?
What the heck do you think is going to happen next?!
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