Breaking Through Marble

Made of Steel Book 8 - The final Book

Available exclusively on Radish

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In the app, just search for Ivy Smoak or click here.


The epic conclusion to the Made of Steel series!

About Radish

Radish is a romance reading app where stories are serialized; meaning they release one chapter at a time (very much like how TV unfolds stories one episode at a time).

I’ve teamed up with writers at Radish to bring Breaking Through Marble to life and have approved and authorized everything. I’m so excited for you to read it!

How to Download Radish

You can download Radish in the App Store and on Google Play.

You can also just search for Radish Fiction on the App Store and Google Play.

Once the download is complete, you can find Encased in Ivory (and the entire Made of Steel series!) by searching for Ivy Smoak or by clicking here.


Will Breaking Through Marble be available in paperback?

 Stay tuned! We’ve gotten a ton of requests for this – we are listening and Radish is listening!


Will Breaking Through Marble be available in audio?

Hopefully! But that depends on how many readers we get on Radish. So tell all your friends to go start reading. :)

Will Breaking Through Marble be available on Kindle?

For now, it is only available on Radish.

How is reading Breaking Through Marble on Radish different from reading on Kindle Unlimited or other reading applications?

Breaking Through Marble is serialized. That means there will be a new chapter released every single day! Think of it like watching a TV show, one episode (or in this case, chapter) at a time.

The entire series is available now!

How do you read on Radish?

You can read books a chapter at a time. Any chapter that is not free can be unlocked using coins. Each chapter costs 3 coins, which you can either buy via the Coin Store, or earn by participating in any of the events Radish runs daily!

Will the first three books of the Made of Steel series ever be available on KU again?

Not for the foreseeable future. However, if you already have them in KU, they’ll remain in your library until you return them.

Did you write Breaking Through Marble?

Breaking Through Marble is a collaboration between myself and the team at Radish. It’s sort of like how TV is written (I know I’ve made a lot of TV references, but it’s true). I’ve worked with them on outlining the overall plot and characterization and I’ll be approving and authorizing the whole thing. I hope you love the continuation as much as I do!

Why is Breaking Through Marble only available on Radish?

Because Radish is the only reason that this book exists! Seriously - I wasn’t planning on writing any more about Summer, but the enthusiasm that Radish had for this project was so contagious that I couldn’t resist adding more to her story!

Download Radish in the App Store or on Google Play to start reading!